Site 24 - Camery Garden
Accessible via an opening in the East Cloister wall, the Camery Garden includes the foundations of a large, late fifteenth century Lady Chapel, built by Bishop Stillington (1466-91) that was removed during the Reformation using gunpowder. At the far end the springs that give Wells its name can be glimpsed through a peephole in the wall.
An extensive exterior space which could accomodate more than one installation. Note that due to the underlying remains there are some restriction on fixings that can be made into the ground.
Important note: access to the Camery garden is weather-dependent, and the garden is unlit. At the Private View we will provide an opportunity to show photographs of installations here, as it will be dark outside!
All General Restrictions for Installations apply.
Previous installation on this site: Alistair Lambert “Cascade” (2022)
Previous installation on this site: Stacey Beaumont “Angels Instead” (2021)